Jorge ​Vazquez ​(he/him)

Product Manager

About Me

I'm Jorge Vazquez Trujillo from Mexico. Over the past eight ​years, I have led the development of digital products and ​collaborated with cross-functional teams in design, ​engineering, and marketing. My expertise lies in market ​research, product design, data analysis, and project ​management. I hold a Master's in Information and ​Technology from Universidad Regiomontana, where I also ​completed my Bachelor's degrees in Industrial Engineering ​and Foreign Commerce, both with honors

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Why me?

I'm very qualified to help.

My career, spanning over eight years, has been ​dedicated to leveraging technology to solve ​complex problems, enhance user experience, and ​achieve strategic business goals.

What can I do for you?


Product Strategy Development.

Agile Product Management.

Data Analysis and Performance ​Metrics.

Product Evangelism.

Leadership and Team Development

Industry Expertise

Technology and Digital Products.

Creative and Marketing.



Let's work ​together!

Contact me and let's schedule a chat.




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